Newsletter Vol 37

Hi Folks,

Well outdoor climbing and our club sessions may have stopped but the love of all things climbing continues, albeit from behind keyboards. As you may have seen on Facebook your enthusiastic (and mostly housebound committee) are putting together a number of initiatives to keep the spirits up. We had a virtual meeting the other night and put plans together for 3 strands of initiatives to partly amuse during these strange times...

1. "Exercise with me" tracker.
Struggling to get motivated to exercise indoors with limited equipment or friends? We are going to set up an open Google sheet (or similar) where you can log what you are doing each day or set yourself a challenge for the week... we may put up a push up or pull up tournament or weekly exercise regime ideas ... This is a work in progress and we hope to get this ready soon. Talk to Lisa Davison-Kernan (or email us) if you want to get involved or have ideas for its creation!

2. Weekly newsletter
We are going to put out a weekly newsletter for your reading delights, these will be posted gradually throughout the week on Facebook before being collated as a newsletter for your delights to be distributed via the website and email.

Ideas we have so far are:
- climbing videos (to be collated by Jamie Roberts)
- climbing photography within your own home (to be collated by Niall McLaughlin)
- ever wanted to find out more about one if our more mysterious members? We will be doing a profile of one of our climbers each week as interviewed by Kyle Stewart

Any other ideas for cool content or stories please send us an email!

3. Climbing Quiz

Finally, we will be posting a weekly climbing themed quiz to be issued each Thursday. You can enter just one round or all the rounds and we will be keeping track of running totals. Vicky will be collating these (possibly helped by former university challenge contestant Rónán Davison-Kernan).

Please bear in mind the latest announcements by BMC and the government - do not climb, fellrun or hillwalk.

All our climbing love

The BCC Committee