Mourne Mountain General Knowledge Quiz

The first official quiz post (Quiz courtesy of Vicky)


The first round is.... Mourne Mountain General Knowledge!

You have until midnight on Saturday to officially enter the ongoing quiz tournament. Shout will be given to the person who gets 100% and the answers submitted first!

You can email answers to the club at

Next week's round will be Irish and UK Mountain Dingbats!

We are aware that the questions aren't easy...but you have the internet and >60 hours!

1. Which mountain in the Mournes is “Pig Mountain”?

2. How many summits does the Mourne wall go over? (with at least a drop of 30m)

3. What was the cave on Legnabruchan most famously used for?

4. Which of these is the LEAST common type of heather in the mournes?

a) Erica Cinerea (Bell Heather)

b) Calluna Vulgaris (Common Heather)

c) Erica Tetralix (Cross-Leaved Heather)

5. In which Mournes Quarry is a buzzard said to live?

6. What is the closest named settlement to the BCC Cottage?

7. What is the largest water body in the Mournes? (by area)

8. Name the 3 rivers that flow through Donard Forest

9. How many peaks on Slieve Binnian meet the classification of a Vandeleur-Lynam? (note: does not list them all)

10. Which was the last “hut” on the Mourne Wall to be built?
