
It’s that time of the year! No, not Christmas.


Yup, it’s that time of year again (no, not Christmas - even if the shops want to make you believe it is), it’s time to renew your membership or if you haven’t been a Belfast Climbing Club member before now is as good of a time than ever!

For the initiated who just want to renew, here is the link to sign up, however for those who haven’t ever been a member or are unsure, read on.

There are three ways to become a member of Belfast Climbing Club, these are by signing up with one of the following membership types:

  1. All in - BCC and Mountaineering Ireland that we sign you up for (affiliated membership)

  2. Existing MI - BCC and Mountaineering Ireland membership you already have (personal membership/affiliated membership through another club)

  3. Bring your own - BCC and a recognised external mountaineering body providing insurance you already have (AAC, BMC etc)

Each of the memberships above cost a minimum of £10. This £10 is the Belfast Climbing Club membership cost. As you have probably guessed there is no extra fee to pay for an Existing MI or Bring your own membership types.

We would always recommend singing up with an all in membership type as it supports the excellent work that Mountaineering Ireland does throughout Northern Ireland and Ireland. Not only that but it allows you to benefit from the discounted membership than singing up as a individual member with Mountaineering Ireland. The sooner you sign up the better as an affiliated membership with MI runs 1st November to 31st October each year (to note, Belfast Climbing Club follow this membership year also).

What’s more are the benefits Mountaineering Ireland offer and those alone are definitely worth supporting MI for, a few of which are:

  • The Irish Mountain Log, delivered by post to your home address

  • Discounts in all good outdoor shops and a variety of other related retailers

  • Civil Liability and Limited Personal Accident cover insurance policy

  • A personalised membership card

  • A committed staff team to provide advice and information (editors note - they are very friendly!)

  • Access to training schemes and awards for hillwalkers and climbers

  • Access to Mountaineering Ireland Training Grant schemes

  • Annual indoor climbing competitions

Cut the chit chat and get to pricing already!

Okay, okay, as I’ve already mentioned above BCC membership is £10 and if you sign up with an all in membership type you will be charged an extra amount to cover the affiliation membership costs. There are a few different prices dependant on your age, these are:

  • If you are under 23 years of age - £28.66*

    • Your total membership cost will be £38.66* (£28.66* MI + £10 BCC)

  • If you are over 23 years of age - £31.85*

    • Your total membership cost will be £41.85* (£31.85* MI + £10 BCC)

*Please do note that due to Brexit uncertainty Mountaineering Ireland are periodically reviewing their fees and thus the above figures may change however this only applies to the emboldened amounts, shown above. Total amount payable is shown in italics and is comprised of the Mountaineering Ireland affiliation fee plus Belfast Climbing Club membership.

Additionally, we are an adults only club (stop thinking like that) and thus we cannot accept prospective members under the age of 18.

Has anything changed since last year?

In terms of Belfast Climbing Club membership, nothing. Although with Mountaineering Ireland there has been a few developments. Most notably these are with reference to an increase in fees and no longer being able to opt out of certain services to receive a reduced fee.

You are able to read more about these changes here.

Right, all well and good, but what benefits are there to becoming a member?

Your social reputation increases and access to the secret route on panel 27 in the Ozone, duh! Joking aside, see below.

  • Access to a large, varied and friendly community of climbers of all abilities

  • Belfast Climbing Club branded clothing

  • Access to our many various exciting fun-filled (you get the idea!) trips

  • Henry’s Cottage in the Mournes - club members will have access to the BCC cottage in the Mournes for £5 a night

  • Member only WhatsApp group

  • A club backed by an enthusiastic member first committee (look at those smiles!)

Okay, so, how does it all work/what’s the process?

Thinking of becoming a member? Great! We’d love to have you on board.

First things first. We need you to sign up here and fill in your details and select your options. Don’t worry your options will guide you through choosing the correct membership type. Once complete it will fire the following series of events:

  1. We will be notified that you have signed up to become a member (yay!) and to standby for your payment

  2. You will receive an email confirming how much you owe and the details by which to transfer your payment

  3. Once your payment has been received, for your membership type, we will:

    • All in

      • Add your details to the Mountaineering Ireland member portal

      • Transfer the portion relating to the affiliation cost of your membership to Mountaineering Ireland

      • Once your membership card is received post it out to you

    • Existing MI

      • Add you as an associate member to BCC in the Mountaineering Ireland member portal

    • Bring your own

      • Verify the membership evidence you provided as part of your registration

  4. We happy dance

I think my friend should join!

I have a question!

Kitchen sink?

That’s on you. We can’t help with that one.