Club Update 2 July 2020

Hi Folks,

Davey Andrews RIP

It’s been over a week since Davey’s service. Thank you to all who came to the event in Bangor. It’s understandable that not everyone was able to come but the occasion was well attended (a reflection on how popular and well liked he was). Also thank you to Vicky for arranging the JustGiving page and to all those who donated generously, raising over £1400 for NI Airambulance and the RNLI.

Mountaineering Ireland Advice

Restrictions are gradually easing and Mountaineering Ireland have recently updated their advice. It can be found on their website.

As before, not everyone will want to go out climbing but if you do then please follow the MI guidance. The club has not yet appointed a Covid-19 Contact and I’m not yet sure if we will, but feel free to email us or post on the Facebook page if you have questions.

Boulder World reopening

Boulder World will be opening again on Friday 10 July having repainted and reset the whole climbing area. See their facebook page for details. We anticipate that we will be starting up Tuesday club times again in the near future and the committee will be meeting next week to discuss how e can do this and return to meets in a safe way.

Henry’s Cottage 18th July

Plans are in progress for some sort of get together at the cottage to tentatively restart our meets calendar. This will likely rely on staying outside the building, social distancing, good weather and possibly limited numbers but we will update with details next week.

Take care and all our climbing love,