BCC and the Quest for the Cailleach

In the Burial Chamber

In the Burial Chamber

A curse had been placed upon the land by the evil Cor O’na causing the inhabitants to suffer from an ailment of the lungs and preventing them from visiting nearby villagers in their homes.  It was a clear cold day that 6 brave members of Clan BCC decided to go searching for the Cailleach to ask for her aid in breaking the terrible curse.  The group was led by High King Jamie, accompanied by Matthew the Mushroom Mage (to protect them for sorcery), Ronan Slieveslayer and Kyle Cruxreacher (two warriors of great renown) and Eva of the Enchanted East (who brought arcane knowledge from her lands).  Finally, there was Seanchaí* Lisa, who had consulted the Oracle Go O’gle for the path to follow and lead them to the Cailleach’s lair.

The Beautiful Views on the way up Gullion

The Beautiful Views on the way up Gullion

Go O’gle told Seanchaí Lisa that the Cailleach had made her home in the burial chamber on the summit of Slieve Gullion and so the group set off up the forest road for the peak.  After some lovely views on the way up to the summit they were shrouded in mist at the top and were buffeted by gales.  They searched for the entrance to the Cailleach’s house, and almost missed it, but just as they were about to lose hope and return, Ronan Slieveslayer spotted it and led them forward.  Their search was in vain, however, the Cailleach was not home, so they broke their fast in the shelter of the burial chamber.

Our slippery walk down and Eva with the not so noble steeds

Our slippery walk down and Eva with the not so noble steeds

Upon leaving the burial chamber, a familiar figure that they thought had been banished to the drumlins by the great Cor O’na appeared from the mists, Vicky Strongshield.  She led the group down a treacherous path to the Cailleach’s lake, which the Cailleach had cursed to age anyone who swam in it and turn their hair white.  Kyle considered bathing in the lake, just like his predecessor Fionn MacCumhail, as his hair needed rebleaching; however, after realising he would have the unfortunate side effect of looking old Kyle decided not to go for it.  The group slipped and slid down to drier ground leaving the peak of Gullion behind them and returned home, unsuccessful in their mission.  But as the weather was nice they decided to enjoyed the lovely south Armagh scenery as they made their way back to their base.  As they began to weary they tried to harness some noble steeds, but they were having none of it and a strange little man told them of how the Cailleach only appeared at the solstice, when the sun entered the chamber at sunset.

The Giant’s Dinner Table

The Giant’s Dinner Table

After a refreshment break and smarting from their failure to find the Cailleach, they decided that they would next go in search of a giant, as they had heard there was one’s lair nearby.  Their path first led them through a faerie village, but unfortunately they didn’t see any of the fair folk.  They stopped by the giant’s dinner table but moved on quickly before Eva of the Enchanted East and Seanchaí Lisa became his dinner. 

They then found themselves in the faerie labyrinth where strange faces appeared at windows, which may have been our fellow questers.  They almost found themselves trapped in the dark, but eventually found the light and safety. Perhaps the faeries were present… Back on more well-trodden ground, Eva of the Enchanted East made the first recorded ascent of Cailleach’s Nose Eliminate and passed the giant’s espresso cups, which he had just left strewn around the forest.  Even Kyle Cruxreacher would be satisfied by one of these cups of coffee.

  They found themselves back where they started, having seen no sign of the Giant’s Lair.  They counted themselves lucky that this was the only mischief the faeries had wrought on them this day and decided that that was enough adventures for one day and waved a final goodbye to the faeries before heading back home.

*Seanchaí – a storyteller or bard in Irish, pronounced: Shan-He

Some Faeries houses and my Best Dita Von Teese Impression

Some Faeries houses and my Best Dita Von Teese Impression

Our Journey

Our Journey