Belfast Climbing Clubs First AGM!

Belfast Climbing Club had its first AGM on the 20th October 2017 at the Ozone.  Despite horrendous weather but with the promise of the Errigle afterwards, a dedicated bunch showed up.

- A constitution was voted in, affiliation with MI ratified and a membership rate of £10 per year adopted.

- Lisa Davison also volunteered to organise the Christmas dinner this year - more to follow!

- Minutes of the meeting can be seen here - AGM meetings

- The committee elected for the next year were:

President - Rónán Kernan

Treasurer - Peter Reid

Secretary - Vicky Ward

Membership Secretary - Paul Puddifoot

Social Secretary - John McCabe

Meets Secretary - Kyle Stewart

Webmaster - Matthew Boyd

Ordinary Committee Members - Joanna Karlic

Ordinary Committee Members - Annette Feldman

Ordinary Committee Member - Chris Connolly


The committee also made a small presentation to Katherine, John and Aidan McCabe to welcome Aidan into the world! Perhaps he should be honorary Youth Development Officer?